From Champagne Sparklers To Lighting: Splurge On These Details

20th Jul 2015

Beyond the basics (dinner, dress, flowers) there are so many different ways to spend your wedding dollars -- from custom postage stamps to monogrammed toilet paper (seriously, it exists!). But one of the biggest mistakes you can make is blowing your budget on a detail that you end up regretting when no one notices it. From champagne sparklers to the perfect lighting, we've got a few of the wedding details you'll want to add that will seriously get noticed.

1. Lighting: The right reception lighting can help camouflage sore spots like less-than-stellar windows or even shabby ballroom curtains, and highlight your favorite details (such as the incredible centerpieces or your cake table).

2. Ceremony Decor: Even though it doesn't last long, first impressions matter and your ceremony is likely the first thing your guests are going to see. If you're having an outdoor summer wedding, hang orchid leis, colorful ribbon streamers or sun-catching glass ornaments on surrounding trees. For church nuptials, have your florist create arrangements for the pews as well as the door.

3. Splurge on the entryway, too! Even the slightly bit of decor can personalize it! Hire your florist to create an impressive display for the escort card table.

4. The photo booth: Yes, a photo booth! The reason: It works double duty. Your guests will take a whirl in the photo booth at least once in the evening (providing a perfect opportunity for mingling), and they'll get to take home their photo booth pics as favors at the night's end.